This post is a part of my series “One Developer Platform, Many Devices“.
In this post, we will focus on the workflow of getting your APK from Flash Builder into the Google Android Market. First, review the process for building an Android APK file within Flash Builder. Once you have your APK generated, you’re ready to prepare it for the Android Market.
First, navigate to to register for an Android Market account. Once there, you will need to walk through the full registration process to create your account.
Once you are fully registered, you will be directed to the Android Market publishing home page/dashboard. From here, just click on “Upload Application” to start the process of uploading your application’s APK binary file.
Once you have successfully uploaded the application APK, you will be prompted with the details about your application. Click “Save” to being entering application metadata information.
You will need to upload at least 2 screenshots of your application, as well as an application icon for use within the Android Market.
Next, scroll down to the “Listing Details” area and begin entering metadata for your application. This includes an application title and description, as well as release notes, classifications, and promotional text.
Next, scroll down to the “Publishing Options” screen, where you can configure copy protection settings, content ratings, pricing, and available markets.
Finally, enter your support/contact information and check the consent checkboxes.
Once you have completed the form in its entirety, scroll back up to the top of the page and click on the “Save” button to save content, or “Publish” to save and publish the application to the Android Market. Once you have successfully published it, your application will show up in your home dashboard, as shown below.
Thats it! The Android Market makes it extremely easy to publish your application. My application started showing up in the market after about 30 minutes from pressing the “Submit” button.
You can check it out live in the Google Android Market at:
Or, just snap a photo of this to download to you android device immediately…