More on the Future of Flex & Flash

Late last week, Adobe released official statements and a FAQ to address the recent confusion around the Flex, the Flash/AIR platforms and mobile.    You can read the official statement at: You can read the FAQ at: Here are a few excerpts from the official statement: Adobe Flash Player on desktop Adobe reaffirmed […]

Flash/Flex/AIR Platform Roadmap 2011

Although there were no official announcements around Flex, Flash & AIR (other than the release of FP11 & AIR3), don’t think that the platform is going away or becoming stale… In fact, it is quite the opposite. The Flash Platform will continue to thrive and innovate, providing outstanding solutions that set the pace for other […]

AIR 3.0 Captive Runtime

If you hadn’t heard yet, Beta 2 of AIR 3.0 and Flash Player 11 are now availabe on Adobe Labs. The AIR 3.0 beta release is sporting some great new features, including hardware accelerated video playback for mobile, iOS background audio, android licensing support, front-facing camera support, encrypted local storage for mobile, H.264 software encoding […]