PhoneGap Explained Visually

I’ve been “out and about” lately, attending tech conferences, meetup groups, and meeting with developers in their offices, and I am getting great feedback on mobile development and PhoneGap. There are some common questions that I am often asked, and I hope this post helps everyone understand PhoneGap better. PhoneGap Before I go too far, […]

Changes with PhoneGap 1.5

Earlier this month, PhoneGap 1.5 was released.   There were a lot of enhancements in this release.  However, if you’ve tried to update an existing codebase from PhoneGap 1.4 to 1.5, you may have realized that things look a bit different.   Basically, the entire PhoneGap codebase has migrated from PhoneGap naming to Apache Cordova […]

Mobile Web & PhoneGap HTML Dev Tips

Recently I’ve been spending a fair amount of time working on HTML-based applications – both mobile web and mobile applications using PhoneGap.   Regardless of whether you are targeting a mobile web browser or a mobile app using the PhoneGap container, you are still targeting a mobile web browser instance.  If you haven’t noticed, mobile […]

Interesting App Store Statistics

Here are some interesting and quite surprising statistics for the US Census Browser HTML/PhoneGap showcase application that I released in December, which I wanted to share. The app is a browser for US Census data, full detail available here: The Census Browser application was intended as a showcase app for enterprise-class data visualization in […]

Why Cross Platform Mobile Development?

Perhaps you have heard of the topic “cross platform development”, but aren’t really sure what it is, or you aren’t sure why you would want to use cross-platform technologies. If this is the case, then this post is especially for you. I’ll try to shed some light onto what it is, and why you would […]

Adobe at BlackBerry DevCon 2011

BlackBerry DevCon 2011 kicked off earlier this week, and surrounding it were some exciting announcements around Adobe tools and BlackBerry platforms. These announcements include Flash Player 11 and AIR 3 features available on the PlayBook – including Stage3D (among many other great features). Also announced was AIR support for the new BlackBerry BBX operating system, […]