It’s not every day that you get the opportunity to have your work showcased front and center on the main landing page for one of the largest companies in the world. Well, today is definitely my lucky day. I was interviewed last month about a drone-related project that I’ve been working on that focuses on […]
Tag Archives: cloud
Interview: Gathering & analyzing data with drones & IBM Bluemix
Here’s an interview that I recently did with IBM DeveloperWorks TV at the recent World of Watson conference. In it I discuss a project I’ve been working on that analyzes drone imagery to perform automatic damage detection using the Watson Visual Recognition, and generates 3D models from the drone images using photogrammetry processes. The best […]
Drones, Bots, Cognitive Apps, Image Recognition, Motion Analysis, and Photogrammetry (or, what I’ve been up to lately)
It’s been a while since I’ve posted here on the blog… In fact, I just did the math, and it’s been over 7 months. Lots of things have happened since, I’ve moved to a new team within IBM, built new developer tools, worked directly with clients on their solutions, worked on a few high profile keynotes, built apps for […]
New Swift Offerings from IBM
In my last post I mentioned some new announcements related to the Swift programming language at IBM. Upon further thought, I guess it’s probably not a bad idea to re-post more detail here too… If you didn’t see/hear it last week, IBM unveiled several projects to advance the Swift language for developers, which we think will have […]
Wearables & IBM MobileFirst – Video & Sample Code
Last week I attended IBM Insight in Las Vegas. It was a great event, with tons of great information for attendees. I had a few sessions on mobile applications. In particular, my dev@Insight session on Wearables powered by IBM MobileFirst was recorded. You can check it out here: Sorry it’s not in HD, but […]
Thoughts on Cognitive Computing
You may have heard a lot of buzz coming out of IBM lately about Cognitive Computing, and you might have also wondered “what the heck are they talking about?” You may have heard of services for data and predictive analytics, services for natural language text processing, services for sentiment analysis, services understand speech and translate languages, […]
Video – Smarter Apps with Cognitive Computing
UPDATE 12/22/15: IBM Recently released a new iOS SDK for Watson that makes integration with Watson services even easier. You can read more about it here. Last week I had the opportunity to present to a great audience at the MoDev DC meetup group on “Smarter Apps with Cognitive Computing”. In this session I focused on how […]
Complete Walkthrough and Source Code for “Building Offline Apps”
I recently put together some content on building “Apps that Work as Well Offline as they do Online” using IBM MobileFirst and Bluemix (cloud services). There was the original blog post, I used the content in a presentation at ApacheCon, and now I’ve opened everything up for anyone use or learn from. The content now lives […]
GeoPix: A sample iOS app powered by IBM MobileFirst for Bluemix
In this post I’d like to show a fairly simple application that I put together which shows off some of the rich capabilities for IBM MobileFirst for Bluemix that you get out of the box – All with an absolute minimal amount of your own developer effort. Bluemix, of course, being IBM’s platform as a […]
Video: MobileFirst for Bluemix (MBaaS)
Last week I gave a presentation to the NYC Bluemix Meetup Group on IBM MobileFirst for Bluemix. Not familiar with the branding and have no idea what that means? It is a mobile backend as a service, which gives you analytics, remote logging, user auth, data persistence & offline synch, push notification management, and more […]