Mobile Apps with Language & Translation Services using IBM Watson & IBM MobileFirst

UPDATE 12/22/15:  IBM Recently released a new iOS SDK for Watson that makes integration with Watson services even easier. You can read more about it here. I recently gave a presentation at IBM Insight on Cognitive Computing in mobile apps.  I showed two apps: one that uses Watson natural language processing to perform search queries, and […]

Wearables & IBM MobileFirst – Video & Sample Code

Last week I attended IBM Insight in Las Vegas. It was a great event, with tons of great information for attendees. I had a few sessions on mobile applications. In particular, my dev@Insight session on Wearables powered by IBM MobileFirst was recorded. You can check it out here: Sorry it’s not in HD, but […]

Thoughts on Cognitive Computing

You may have heard a lot of buzz coming out of IBM lately about Cognitive Computing, and you might have also wondered “what the heck are they talking about?”  You may have heard of services for data and predictive analytics, services for natural language text processing, services for sentiment analysis, services understand speech and translate languages, […]