Project Awesome

Here’s a little demo I put together that I’m just too excited not to share… Fellow Adobe Evangelist Christophe Coenraets has an awesome Mobile Trader application that highlights the power of LCCS collaboration and realtime information, using Flex for mobile.  I decided to see if that same collaboration example would work with the Stage3D data visualization component […]

Flex & Stage3D Visualization Sample

Stage3D is starting to look incredibly promising for developers. Whether you are targeting mobile, web, or desktop or developing for gaming or data visualization, the future is bright. I was in the Adobe offices in San Francisco last week meeting with the team, and Thibault Imbert showed us some jaw dropping demos… Keep an eye […]

A Single Code Base, Lots of Devices

Here’s a quick teaser for a multi-part series I’m working on: 1 code base, 1 application framework, 4 platforms, 7 devices, 5 ecosystems… Yes, that is correct… 1 codebase, Adobe Flex 1 framework, Adobe AIR 4 platforms iOS Android BlackBerry desktop 7 devices (these are just devices I have): Mac OSX Apple iPhone 4 Apple […]

AIR 3.0 Captive Runtime

If you hadn’t heard yet, Beta 2 of AIR 3.0 and Flash Player 11 are now availabe on Adobe Labs. The AIR 3.0 beta release is sporting some great new features, including hardware accelerated video playback for mobile, iOS background audio, android licensing support, front-facing camera support, encrypted local storage for mobile, H.264 software encoding […]

Mobile (3G) vs. WIFI Network Detection with Adobe AIR

Did you know that you can determine whether your mobile device is on wifi or your mobile data connection when using Adobe AIR for mobile? To be honest, I wasn’t aware of it either until yesterday when my friend and former colleague Brian O’Connor pointed me towards a recent tweet from @adobe_cookbook that showed an […]

Molehill (Stage3D) on Mobile

I recently had the opportunity to start playing around with Molehill for mobile (hardware accelerated 3D graphics), and I think it is something that many of you will be very excited about (see video below). Everyone thinks that 3D is just for games, but it’s not… 3D graphics can be used for complex data visualizations, […]

Adobe Releases Beta of Edge HTML5 Tool

Exciting news this morning!  I awoke to see that Adobe has released a beta version of EDGE, the HTML5 motion and interaction Design tool on Adobe Labs, as well as, an HTML5 showcase site. EDGE will allow you to create Flash-like timeline animations purely using standards-compliant HTML.  You can see a preview form the examples […]