BlackBerry DevCon 2011 kicked off earlier this week, and surrounding it were some exciting announcements around Adobe tools and BlackBerry platforms. These announcements include Flash Player 11 and AIR 3 features available on the PlayBook – including Stage3D (among many other great features). Also announced was AIR support for the new BlackBerry BBX operating system, as well as PhoneGap support for BBX/QNX. BBX is the new QNX based operating system for BlackBerry smartphones.
Adobe’s VP and General Manager of Interactive Solutions, Danny Winokur, joined RIM’s Alec Saunders, VP of Developer Relations and Ecosystems Development, on stage at BlackBerry DevCon Americas 2011. Danny spoke about the exciting possibilities that Flash and HTML5 bring to the web and mobile app development – specifically for the BlackBerry PlayBook and BBX in the future. (read more here, or check out the video below)