PhoneGap Explained Visually

I’ve been “out and about” lately, attending tech conferences, meetup groups, and meeting with developers in their offices, and I am getting great feedback on mobile development and PhoneGap. There are some common questions that I am often asked, and I hope this post helps everyone understand PhoneGap better.


Before I go too far, let me attempt to clearly state what PhoneGap is… PhoneGap is an application container technology that allows you to create natively-installed applications for mobile devices using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.   The core engine for PhoneGap is also 100% open source, under the Apache Cordova project.  You can read more about PhoneGap under my “What is PhoneGap?” & Other Common Questions post.

PhoneGap User Interface

The user interface for PhoneGap applications is created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.  The UI layer of a PhoneGap application is a web browser view that takes up 100% of the device width and 100% of the device height.

Think of this as a “headless” web browser.  It renders HTML content, without the “chrome” or window decoration of a regular web browser.  You build your application to take advantage of this space, and you build navigational/interactive/content elements and application chrome into your HTML and CSS based user interface.

The web view used by PhoneGap is the same web view used by the native operating system.   On iOS, this is the Objective-C UIWebView class; on Android, this is android.webkit.WebView.  Since there are differences in the web view rendering engines between operating systems, make sure that you account for this in your UI implementation.

PhoneGap API

PhoneGap provides an application programming interface (API) that enables you to access native operating system functionality using JavaScript. You build your application logic using JavaScript, and the PhoneGap API handles communication with the native operating system.

You can read about the PhoneGap API and all of the native functionality it exposes at

In addition to the “out of the box” functionality, you can also leverage PhoneGap’s JavaScript-to-native communication mechanism to write “native plugins”. PhoneGap native plugins enable you to write your own custom native classes and corresponding JavaScript interfaces for use within your PhoneGap applications.  You can read more about PhoneGap native plugins at: and

PhoneGap Application Packaging and Distribution

PhoneGap applications are developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, however the final product of a PhoneGap application is a binary application archive that can be distributed through standard application ecosystems.

For iOS applications the output is an IPA file (iOS Application Archive), for Android applications the output is an APK file (Android Package), for Window Phone the output is a XAP file (Application Package), etc…  These are the same application packaging formats used by “native” applications, and can be distributed through the appropriate ecosystems (iTunes Store, Android Market, Amazon Market, BlackBerry App World, Windows Phone Marketplace, etc…)

PhoneGap High-Level Application Architecture

Specific application architectures are going to differ on a case-by-case basis, however most data-driven applications employ the following basic architecture.   The PhoneGap application acts as a client for the user to interact with.   The PhoneGap client communicates with an application server to receive data.   The application server handles business logic and communicates with a back-end data repository.

The application server is normally a web server (Apache, IIS, etc…) and has a server side scripting language such as ColdFusion, Java, .NET, PHP, etc… PhoneGap is agnostic of back-end technologies and can work with any application server using standard web protocols.   The application server performs business logic and calculations, and generally retrieves or persists data from a separate data repository – this is normally a relational database, but could be any structure or mechanism for data persistence.

PhoneGap applications generally do not talk directly to a database; communication is routed through an application server.    The client to application server communication can be based upon standard HTTP requests for HTML content, REST-ful XML services, JSON services, or SOAP (or websockets if your OS supports it).  These are the exact same techniques that you would use in a desktop-browser based AJAX application.

The client-side architecture generally uses the single-page application model, where the application logic is inside a single HTML page.  This page is never unloaded from memory.  All data will be displayed by updating the HTML DOM, data is retrieved from the application server using AJAX techniques, and variables are kept in-memory within JavaScript.

Multi-page client-side application architectures are supported, but are not recommended because you lose in-memory variables when loading a separate page.

Changes with PhoneGap 1.5

Earlier this month, PhoneGap 1.5 was released.   There were a lot of enhancements in this release.  However, if you’ve tried to update an existing codebase from PhoneGap 1.4 to 1.5, you may have realized that things look a bit different.   Basically, the entire PhoneGap codebase has migrated from PhoneGap naming to Apache Cordova naming conventions.

Every reference to “PhoneGap” is now “Cordova”.  This includes, but is not necessarily limited to:

  • phonegap.js is now cordova.js
  • The “PhoneGap” object in JavaScript is now “Cordova” – this means every reference to “PhoneGap” should now reference “Cordova”
  • In native code, every PhoneGap class that was prefixed with “PG” is now prefixed with “CDV”; for example, “PGPlugin” is now “CDVPlugin”
  • Documentation that refers to the PhoneGap class may be out of date… just switch the name reference.
  • The “PhoneGap” project template in Xcode is now “Cordova”

This is just a naming convention change as the PhoneGap project is moving to its new identity as Apache Cordova.  However, it is just a name.  Be sure to read this article from the PhoneGap team to understand why the name changed and to understand the relationship between “PhoneGap” and “Cordova”.

As a PhoneGap developer, how you build applications has not changed, and the power of PhoneGap/Cordova has not changed.   You can still create awesome apps with it, and it is still 100% open source.

If you are looking at code that doesn’t work in PhoneGap 1.5, then chances are you need to update to use the new naming conventions.

If you are just getting started, be sure to check out my “Getting Started with PhoneGap” guides on Adobe Developer Connection for both Android and iOS – both of these articles use the new naming conventions.

Welcome, Adobe Shadow!

Ready for the new era in multi-screen development?

Available now on, Adobe Shadow is a new, free tool that enables synchronized browsing and remote inspection across desktop and mobile experiences, in real time.

Rather than having me try to describe it, check out this video from Adobe TV…

From Adobe Labs:

Adobe® Shadow is a new inspection and preview tool that allows front-end web developers and designers to work faster and more efficiently by streamlining the preview process, making it easier to customize websites for mobile devices.

Shadow will be updated regularly to stay ahead of web standards, web browser updates and support for new mobile devices entering the market, while incorporating user feedback to provide the best functionality and experience possible.

This version of Shadow focuses primarily on the following:

  • Device pairing
  • Synchronized browsing and refreshing in sync with your computer
  • Perform remote inspection and debugging so you can see HTML/CSS/JavaScript changes instantly on your device.

Be sure to keep up with the latest and greatest information on Adobe Shadow:

Of course, don’t forget to go download Adobe Shadow and get started today (it’s free)!

Tricks for Debugging PhoneGap Applications in Desktop Browsers

I often encourage people to develop as much as possible in desktop browsers when they are building PhoneGap applications.  While there are remote debugging tools such as weinre for remote debugging on devices, the developer experience is still better inside of a desktop browser because it gives you breakpoints and memory inspection capabilities.  In most cases, you can develop the vast majority of your application within the desktop browser, and switch to a physical device when integrating with PhoneGap APIs or for performance testing. Personally, I use Chrome, and take advantage of the Chrome Developer Tools.

However, when developing from the local file system, you will run into a few roadblocks with desktop browsers.  A big issue is the browser security model.  If you try to asynchronusly request files when the application is loaded from the local file system, you’ll like get an error like:

XMLHttpRequest cannot load (filename or url). Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.

Luckily, there are a few tricks you can use to get around this… local HTTP servers and relaxing the browser’s security.  Note: I’m on a Mac, and I don’t know the syntax for these on Windows.

Local HTTP Server

The first option is to use a local web server to host files.   You can fire up a simple HTTP server from any directory in OSX by opening a terminal and using the following command:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

An HTTP server will start, and you’ll be able to access any content from that directory and child directories from the URL http://localhost:8000/  Thanks to @mesh for this trick.

However, this will only work for static content that is within your directory structure.   If you need dynamic content, you’ll need some sort of application server infrastructure.

Relaxed Browser Security

OK, that’s great, but it doesn’t cover every situation.   What if you don’t want a local application server configuration?  What if you want to develop against services that are remote, and you don’t control them?    Well, you are in luck.

You can disable security restrictions in Chrome to allow you to access these services.   The following command will allow unrestricted access from the file system, and will also allow cross-site requests.   Kill Chrome, then relaunch from a terminal window with the following flags:

open -a /Applications/Google\ --args --allow-file-access-from-files --disable-web-security

Using this configuration, you’ll be able to open an HTML file from the local file system, and that file will be able to make requests to other sites to access data or other resources.

In the screenshot below, you can see that I launched my Census Browser application from the local file system, and it can access services from   With the default browser security policy, this would not be possible.

Local Application Debugging With Remote Services


Do not use this configuration for normal web browsing because it will leave your browser security wide open, and able to be exploited and compromised.  Do not browse the web when you’ve relaxed the security policy.

Thanks to fellow Adobe evangelist Piotr Walczyszyn for introducing me to this trick.

Pushing Data to a PhoneGap Web View


In PhoneGap 1.5, the naming conventions were changed to use the Apache Cordova naming conventions.   EX: PGPlugin is now CDVPlugin, phonegap.js is now cordova.js, etc…   If you are running into issues, please be sure to check the PhoneGap version and appropriate naming conventions.


In my last post, which gave a crash course in PhoneGap Native Plugins, I discussed a scenario where you could use a native plugin and the writeJavascript function to “push” data into the UI/web view layer from the native code layer.   To elaborate on this scenario, I put together a sample application that demonstrates this concept in action.

I set up the sample application so that there is an extremely basic HTML user interface.   In that user interface, you can click a link which executes native code to start a timer (in the native code layer).   Once the timer is started, the user interface will be updated with a “started” message, and on every timer event, the user interface will be updated with the current time, as it is provided by the native code layer.   In this case, I am using a timer to simulate an external thread of execution, or stream of input from some other source (device or stream).   Take a look at the video below to see it in action:

Next, let’s examine how it works.

The HTML interface is very simple.   There is an <a> link, which calls the “doStart()” JavaScript function, an <h4> element to display status, and an <h2> element to display the content received from the native code layer. When the “doStart()” function is invoked, it calls the SamplePlugin JavaScript class’ “start()” function, passing a reference to the “successCallback()” function, which will get executed when a callback is received from the native layer.   The “updateContent()” function will just set the innerHTML value of the “output” element to the value passed as a parameter.

[html]<!DOCTYPE html>

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no;" />
<meta charset="utf-8">

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="phonegap-1.4.1.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="SamplePlugin.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

function doStart() {
SamplePlugin.start( successCallback );

function successCallback() {
document.getElementById( "status" ).innerHTML = "started";

function updateContent( data ) {

document.getElementById( "output" ).innerHTML = data;

<body onload="onBodyLoad()">
<h1>Hey, it’s PhoneGap!</h1>
<a href="javascript:doStart()">Start!</a>

<h4 id="status"></h4>
<h2 id="output"></h2>

In the SamplePlugin.js file, which is the JavaScript component of the native plugin, you can see that there is a SamplePlugin class instance that has a “start()” function.   The “start()” function invokes the PhoneGap.exec() command to invoke native code.

[js]var SamplePlugin = {
start: function (success, fail) {
return PhoneGap.exec(success, fail, "SamplePlugin", "start", []);

In the native code, there is a basic class that extends the PGPlugin class.  When the user invokes the “start()” function in JavaScript, the native “start” function will be invoked.   In this function, output is appended to the console using NSLog, and a NSTimer instance is started.   Once the timer is started, a success callback will be sent back to the HTML/JavaScript layer.

Now, the timer is executing indefinitely in the native code.   You will notice that in the timer handler “onTick” function, a message is written to the console, and a JavaScript string is created and routed to the UI layer using writeJavascript.   In this case, the JavaScript string just contains the current date as a string, to maintain simplicity.

[objc]#import "SamplePlugin.h"

@implementation SamplePlugin

– (void) start:(NSMutableArray*)arguments withDict:(NSMutableDictionary*)options {

NSString* callbackID = [arguments pop];
NSLog(@"start invoked");

[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0

PluginResult* pluginResult = [PluginResult resultWithStatus:PGCommandStatus_OK messageAsString: @"OK"];
[self writeJavascript: [pluginResult toSuccessCallbackString:callbackID]];

-(void)onTick:(NSTimer *)timer {

NSLog(@"timer tick!");

NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setDateFormat:@"dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"];

NSString *dateString = [formatter stringFromDate:[NSDate date]];
NSString *js = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"updateContent( ‘%@’ );", dateString];

[self writeJavascript:js];


When the native-generated JavaScript is executed, it will invoke the updateContent() JavaScript function, which will then update the HTML user interface.

While this example is extremely basic, you could use this exact same approach to push more complex data to the UI layer in real time.  This data could be coming from network activity, Bluetooth connections, or physical devices that are connected to the mobile device.

You can download the full source code for this sample project directly from:

PhoneGap Native Plugins


In PhoneGap 1.5, the naming conventions were changed to use the Apache Cordova naming conventions.   EX: PGPlugin is now CDVPlugin, phonegap.js is now cordova.js, etc…   If you are running into issues, please be sure to check the PhoneGap version and appropriate naming conventions.


Last night I attended a great Baltimore JavaScript Users Group meetup to engage with the community and to speak about PhoneGap native plugins. Many thanks to @bmorejs for having me, and great job to my fellow presenters Mike Wolf, who presented “PhoneGap: Blood and Guts” and Mike McKay, who presented on PhoneGap + CouchDB.

As promised, here are my slides, and I’ll also try to provide a bit more detail since there isn’t much of an explanation within the slide content: PhoneGap Native Plugins.pdf

PhoneGap Native Plugins Presentation

Here’s a brief synopsis of my presentation…

PhoneGap allows you to create natively installed mobile applications using web technologies (HTML, JS, CSS).  PhoneGap provides an API that lets you access capabilities of the native device/underlying operating system.  “Out of the box”, PhoneGap provides APIs for Accelerometer, Camera, Compass, Media, FileSystem, etc…  (You can get more info about the PhoneGap API from

However, PhoneGap does not attempt to recreate every native API.   Luckily, if you need to access native functionality that isn’t already exposed, then you can easily create a native plugin to provide access to that native functionality.   For example, low latency audio processing, multi-screen iOS experiences, or anything else that has a native API.

PhoneGap native plugins shouldn’t be thought of as “plugins” like Flash Player inside of a browser, rather you are “plugging in” additional functionality that extends the core PhoneGap framework.   Even the PhoneGap core API itself is built upon this plugin model.  If you examine PhoneGap.plist in an iOS project, or phonegap.xml in an Android project, you can easily see the API mappings to native classes.

All PhoneGap plugins consist of a JavaScript class that exposes your functionality to your HTML/JS applications (red box in figure below).   The JavaScript class (green box in figure below) communicates to the native layer through the core PhoneGap class using PhoneGap.exec().  This invokes native functionality in your native plugin  (purple box in figure below).

Original image source:

You develop your JavaScript class to mirror the API of the native class.   In the JavaScript class, you invoke the native function using PhoneGap.exec, as shown below:

PhoneGap.exec(success, fail,   ”NameOfClassMapping”,   ”nameOfFunction", [params]);

Where “success” is a reference to a JavaScript function that will be invoked upon a “success” callback from the native code,  “fail” is a reference to a JavaScript function that will be invoked upon a “fail/error” callback from the native code, “NameOfClassMapping” is the plugin class reference (from phonegap.plist or phonegap.xml), “nameOfFunction” is the name of the native function that should be invoked, and [params] is an array of parameters to be passed into the native function.

In both Android and iOS, native plugin classes extend the PGPlugin class.


In iOS applications, this function is invoked directly, so invoking a function “myFunction” on the class “MyPlugin” is basically the same as calling the Objective C syntax:

[objc][MyPlugin myFunction];[/objc]

In iOS applications, you “return” a result to the web view using the writeJavascript method of the PGPlugin class, which invokes a JavaScript string inside of the web view. You create a PluginResult class instance, and write the JavaScript string back to the web view:

[objc]PluginResult* pluginResult = [PluginResult resultWithStatus:PGCommandStatus_OK messageAsString: @"OK"];
[self writeJavascript: [pluginResult toSuccessCallbackString:callbackID]];[/objc]

You can also write native-code-generated JavaScript strings back to the PhoneGap web view using the writeJavaScript method – you can use this to “push” data or instructions to the web view at any time without being requested. An example of this is below:

[objc]NSString *js = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"myJSFunction( ‘%@’ );" val];
[self writeJavascript:js];[/objc]

In the web view, this would invoke the “myJSFunction” JavaScript function with the parameter in the “val” variable.


In Android applications, functions are not invoked directly, instead, the “execute” method of the PGPlugin class in executed.  Inside of your class, you override the “execute” method, and determine the behavior based upon the “action” parameter, as shown below:

[java]public PluginResult execute(String action,   JSONArray data, String callbackId){
//do something based upon "action"
if ( action.equals( "foo" ) ) {
//handle the "foo" action
else if ( action.equals( "myFunction" ) ) {
//handle the "myFunction" action
result = new PluginResult(Status.OK);
return result;

When you return the PluginResult class at the end of this function, that PluginResult will be evaluated to call back to the success or error handler function.

You can also communicate back to the PhoneGap web view using the PGPlugin sendJavascript function to invoke custom JavaScript at any time, just as I described the iOS writeJavascript function above:

[java]this.sendJavascript( myJavaScriptString )[/java]

It is important to understand that regardless of iOS, Android, or any other platform, communication between the web view JavaScript and the native code layer is not synchronous. Do not expect that your native code has executed in sequence after you have requested a native command. You need to use the success/error callback paradigm, and build your application logic using asynchronous coding practices.

Also keep in mind that writeJavascript or sendJavascript can be invoked at any time, not just after a method has been invoked by the JavaScript interface. Using sendJavascript and writeJavascript can enable you to “push” data to the web view. For example, let’s say you are monitoring a specific piece of hardware attached to a mobile device … perhaps a heart rate monitor. You could have a native heart rate monitor class that communicates with the device in a separate thread, and it pushes data back to the JavaScript layer in real time.

You can read more specifics about native plugins at

You can read more about the native plugin examples from last night’s presentation at the links below. Both are fully open source and free.

You can also browse the existing collection of open source native plugins at:

Update: You can also see a sample scenario for pushing data from a native plugin to the UI layer at:


AIR 3.2 & Flash Player 11.2 Release Candidates Available on Adobe Labs

AIR 3.2 and Flash Player 11.2 release candidates are now available for download on Adobe Labs. These latest versions have some exciting new features, including Stage3D for mobile devices, broader Stage3D support on desktop machines, multi-threaded video decoding, and better mouse support for gaming scenarios.   Get ready for some incredible mobile and desktop experiences powered by Adobe Flash & AIR.

You can read more about what’s new in Flash Player 11.2 and AIR 3.2 on the Adobe Digital Media blog, or check out the videos below to see some of the new features in action.

AIR 3.2

Flash Player 11.2

Download AIR 3.2 and Flash Player 11.2 release candidates today!

You can also check out additional examples of AIR 3.2 features from fellow Adobe Evangelists:

Slides from “Introduction to Mobile Development with PhoneGap”

As promised, here are the slides from my presentation “Introduction to Mobile Development with PhoneGap” from the MobileDev@TU meetup last night. Many thanks to Towson University for hosting the event and inviting me to speak!

You can download the slides here: Intro To PhoneGap

Introduction to Mobile Development with PhoneGap

Here are quick links from the presentation:

Get started with PhoneGap today!

Join PhoneGap Google Groups

…and most importantly… HAVE FUN!

Adobe Roadmap for Flash Runtimes

To complement the white paper released last week covering the future of Flex and the transition to Apache, Adobe has released a white paper covering the the roadmap for the Flash and AIR runtimes. Flash is very much alive and well, and is continuing to evolve to be able to bring uncompromising rich experiences to the web, desktop, and mobile devices. You can read the white paper online at:

Or download a PDF version to read later.

Here is an excerpt; be sure to read the entire white paper for a clear outline of the future of Flash runtimes.   The future is going to be awesome.


For the past decade, Flash Player and, more recently, Adobe AIR have played a vital role on the web by providing consistent platforms for deploying rich, expressive content across browsers, desktops, and devices. Beginning as a platform for enabling animation, the Flash runtimes have evolved into a complete multimedia platform, enabling experiences that were otherwise not possible or feasible on the web.

Looking forward, Adobe believes that Flash is particularly suited for addressing the gaming and premium video markets, and will focus its development efforts in those areas. At the same time, Adobe will make architectural and language changes to the runtimes in order to ensure that the Flash runtimes are well placed to enable the richest experiences on the web and across mobile devices for another decade.

PhoneGap on Windows Phone via OSX

I am embarking on a new PhoneGap project that will have to run on many platforms… iOS, Android, BlackBerry, and Windows Phone.  This will actually be my first foray into modern Window Phone development. (I did some experimental work with the Windows Mobile platform many years ago, but a lot has changed since then.)

One of the caveats with Windows Phone development is that it has to be done from Windows, just like iOS development has to be done from OS X (normally, although some cross platform technologies enable development via other OS/platforms).

Of course, I did not want to give up OS X, so here’s how I have my environment setup…  I have a virtual machine running Windows 7, in which I can run the Visual Studio development tools.   I am able to deploy to a physical Windows Phone device using the USB connection.

Windows Phone Development with PhoneGap, on OS X

However, with this configuration you will NOT be able to use the Window Phone emulator, which is a part of the Windows Phone development SDK.   The Windows Phone emulator is not supported inside of a VMWare virtual machine because the emulated operating system environment does not meet the minimum requirements (specifically the graphics drivers are not WDDM 1.1 compliant).   If you try to use the phone emulator inside the virtual machine, you will just get a blank screen.   I spent a few hours trying to find a workaround, to no avail.   You can use the Windows Phone emulator if you boot your Mac into Windows using Bootcamp, but I wanted to keep OS X as my primary operating system.

Being able to deploy directly to a device works for me, and is (in my opinion) better than being able to deploy to an emulator, thus I am happy with this workflow.   I have heard that other people have had trouble deploying to Windows Phone devices through a VMWare emulator, so here are the details on how I have my environment setup and a few “getting started” links for PhoneGap development on Windows Phone:

Note: All of the project setup work will be done through the Windows virtual machine instance.

There is a detailed “Getting Started” guide for PhoneGap and Windows Phone available at  This will provide you with all the information that you need to get started with PhoneGap applications for Windows Phone.

As a part of the setup process, you will need to download and install the Windows Phone SDK from   This will include a copy of Visual Studio Express 2010 for Windows Phone, as well as additional tools for Windows Phone development.

To be able to deploy an application to a physical Windows Phone device, you will need to register as a Windows Phone developer on MSDN App Hub at   This is a very similar model to Apple’s iOS developer program.  There is a $99 annual fee, and once you are registered, you will be able to debug on devices and distribute applications via the Windows Phone Marketplace.   However, debug provisioning is much easier.   Instead of signing each application with a debug certificate, you just have to register your device as a development device.   Once the device is registered, you will be able to deploy to it without any other special steps; this is very similar to the provisioning model for Nook devices.

When linking my AppHub account to my Windows Live account (a required step), I ran into a vague error message “There’s a temporary problem with the service.  Please try again.  If you continue to get this error message, try again later.”   After scouring the web for this error message, I found a few threads that mentioned this error is likely the result of an incomplete profile for your Windows Live account. Sure enough, I went into and filled out my profile (including contact information), and this error went away.

My Setup

Below are the specifics for my setup; I did not have any issues connecting a Windows Phone device with this configuration.

Device Registration

To deploy an application to a Windows Phone device, you just have to use the Windows Phone Developer Registration Tool, and walk through a few simple steps to associate your phone with your developer account.  This tool is installed when you install the Windows Phone SDK.   You can read full details about debugging Windows Phone applications on MSDN.

As I mentioned above, I have heard that others have encountered problems when trying to deploy applications to Windows Phone devices via a virtual machine on OSX, but I have not had any problems with this configuration.