Project Awesome

Here’s a little demo I put together that I’m just too excited not to share… Fellow Adobe Evangelist Christophe Coenraets has an awesome Mobile Trader application that highlights the power of LCCS collaboration and realtime information, using Flex for mobile.  I decided to see if that same collaboration example would work with the Stage3D data visualization component I’ve been playing around with, and guess what:  it works fantastic.  I’ve given it the nickname “project awesome” b/c it combines realtime collaboration (audio, video & data), Stage3D hardware accelerated graphics, and desktop to mobile paradigms.   Check it out below:

If you haven’t already seen Christophe’s Mobile Trader, you can check it out here:

Christophe has made the source of the Mobile Trader application freely available on github, so go download it and creating your own collaborative applications! I know, you *really* want to see Stage3D out in the public… I promise you, it is coming, and it will be enable you to build great apps & games.

I almost forgot to mention: I wrote less than 200 lines of code to create project awesome!   It uses the Away3D library, and LCCS… the hard stuff is easy with Flex.

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