Adaptive mobile apps that change based on personal context

That title get your attention?  Yes, it really read “Adaptive mobile apps that change based on personal context” – with near real-time rules application, without much extra development effort.  If that sounds interesting to you, or like a product you might want to use within your own apps, then you might want to check out this site where […]

Apple WWDC Recap for Mobile Devs

I’m sure you’ve already heard Apple’s big announcements from the annual Worldwide Developer Conference this week.  I was lucky enough to snag a ticket in Apple’s lottery and got to check it all out in person. There were lots of great sessions, with tons of content.  Here are the highlights as I saw them from a mobile developer’s […]

Serving Data to the Apple Watch with IBM MobileFirst

This is the third entry in my series on powering Apple Watch apps using IBM MobileFirst.  In the first post I covered setting up the project, remote logging, and analytics. In the second post I covered bidirectional communication between the WatchKit extension and host app (not really MobileFirst, but still applicable).  In this post we’ll […]

Bidirectional Communication Between An Apple Watch Extension and the Host App

In this entry we’re going to focus on building Apple Watch apps that can communicate back and forth with the host application running on the iPhone.  This is extremely important since the Apple Watch provides a second screen/peripheral complimentary experience to the main app running on the iOS device – be it a remote control, or quick view/glance […]

Powering Apple Watch Apps with IBM MobileFirst – Part 1

This is the first entry in a multipart series on powering native iPhone and Apple Watch apps using the IBM MobileFirst Platform.  In this entry we will cover how to setup the MobileFirst Platform for use within Apple WatchKit apps and leverage the operational analytics and remote logging features. So, let’s first take a look […]