Earlier this week I had the privilege of speaking at ApacheCon in Austin, TX on the topic of data management for apps that work as well offline as they do online. This is an important topic for mobile apps, since, as we all painfully know already, there is never a case when you are always online […]
Tag Archives: ios
Video: The Next Generation of Native Apps Built with IBM MobileFirst
Last month I had the opportunity to speak at the DevNexus developer conference in Atlanta on building native iOS apps IBM MobileFirst. DevNexus is a great event, and it is always a privilege to attend – I highly recommend it for next year. If you weren’t able to make it, no worries! Most of the sessions were […]
GeoPix: A sample iOS app powered by IBM MobileFirst for Bluemix
In this post I’d like to show a fairly simple application that I put together which shows off some of the rich capabilities for IBM MobileFirst for Bluemix that you get out of the box – All with an absolute minimal amount of your own developer effort. Bluemix, of course, being IBM’s platform as a […]
Updated: Parallax Effects in Hybrid/Web Apps
A while back I wrote about adding parallax effects to your HTML/JS experiences to make them feel a bit richer and closer to a native experience. I’ve just added this subtle (key word *subtle*) effect to a new project and made a few changes I wanted to share here. If you are wondering what I […]
Video: MobileFirst for Bluemix (MBaaS)
Last week I gave a presentation to the NYC Bluemix Meetup Group on IBM MobileFirst for Bluemix. Not familiar with the branding and have no idea what that means? It is a mobile backend as a service, which gives you analytics, remote logging, user auth, data persistence & offline synch, push notification management, and more […]
Getting Started with IBM Bluemix Mobile Services (MBaaS)
I recently wrote an overview of IBM Bluemix’s Mobile Back-end as a Service offerings. I wanted to elaborate on the offerings, plus provide in-depth technical and implementation details, so I decided to produce this 5 part video series on Getting Started with IBM Bluemix Mobile Services. This post specifically covers native iOS, though there are also Android and […]
MBaaS – IBM Mobile Cloud Services, Bluemix & MobileFirst
MBaaS, or Mobile Backend as a Service, seems to be a particularly hot topic these days. MBaaS generally refers to backend services for mobile applications that provides data storage, user management, push notifications, and other pertinent mobile APIs. This is more than just “Cloud Services” which more generally refer to a scalable virtual cluster of computing […]
Unified Multi-Platform Push Notifications with IBM MobileFirst
Push notifications, love them or hate them, are everywhere and there’s no getting around it. Push notifications are short messages that can be sent to mobile devices regardless of whether the apps are actually running. They can be used to send reminders, drive engagement with the mobile app, notify completion of long running processes, and […]
IBM MobileFirst & Remote Client Side Logging in Mobile Apps
One of the many popular feature of IBM MobileFirst SDK is the ability to capture client-side logs from mobile devices out in the wild in a central location (on the server). That means you can capture information from devices *after* you have deployed your app into production. If you are trying to track down or recreate […]
UX & Mobile Apps Leveraging the IBM MobileFirst Platform
When you are developing a mobile app (or website, or mobile web, or TV app, etc..) you should always ask yourself “What kind of an impact does this have on the end user?” It doesn’t matter whether you are creating enterprise apps or games, or anything in between. Every development decision that you make should be […]