Using Code Blocks Instead of Delegates with IBM MobileFirst Platform in Native iOS Apps

We’ve been able to write native iOS apps leveraging the scaffolding and analytics of the IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation Server for a while now. This was first introduced way back when MobileFirst still went by the Worklight name, serveral versions ago. As I would write apps, one thing I really wanted was to use code […]

GeoPix: A sample iOS app powered by IBM MobileFirst for Bluemix

In this post I’d like to show a fairly simple application that I put together which shows off some of the rich capabilities for IBM MobileFirst for Bluemix that you get out of the box – All with an absolute minimal amount of your own developer effort.  Bluemix, of course, being IBM’s platform as a […]

IBM Worklight Powered Native Objective-C iOS Apps

IBM MobileFirst Foundation (also known as IBM Worklight) is a middleware solution for developing mobile applications. Out of the box, Worklight enables security and authentication, device management, encrypted storage, operational analytics, simple cross platform push notifications, remote logging, data access, and more… Historically, most people think that Worklight is just for creating hybrid mobile (HTML-powered) applications. While […]