Assembling A Panorama with Adobe Photoshop CC

I just put together a walkthrough of creating an aerial panorama from images captured with a GoPro camera and an RC helicopter over on Behance.  Check it out for full details. Here’s the final panorama to whet your appetite: High-res here: Enjoy!

Time-Lapse Photography with Creative Cloud

In addition to my addiction to aerial photography, I’m also fascinated by time-lapse photography. With time lapse photography, you set up your camera to take pictures on an interval. This could be every few seconds, every few minutes, every few hours, or heck, once a day. It’s really up to you how you want to […]

Create Amazing Photo-Walks with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and Microsoft Photosynth

Photosynth is an impressive service from Microsoft.  It enables you to upload photos and turn them into interactive 360 panoramas, photo walls, spins, or photo walks. The Photosynth team recently announced a new version of Photosynth, and it’s a really cool web experience. It leverages WebGL to visualize the content, and runs great on both desktop and […]

Bringing Out the “Awesome” with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom

One of my favorite parts of Creative Cloud is that it gives you everything you need to be creative. Whether you are into photography, video, illustration, print design, web design, or just dabble in creativity, Creative Cloud has everything that you need. I’ve been doing a lot of photography lately. My main tools for retouching […]

My New Obsession: Aerial Photography & Creative Cloud

I have a new “hobby”, and I must admit, I am completely addicted. Perhaps “obsessed” might be the proper term. Luckily for me, it is a great use of Creative Cloud, so I can get away with it! What is this new obsession, you ask? Aerial Photography. However, I’m not flying airplanes or riding in […]